OKI c3200
Mam taką drukarkę jak w tytule postu. Zaś od dwóch miesięcy mam linuxa na pokładzie i się okazało, że ni chu, chu te dwie rzeczy ze sobą nie współpracują. Dzwoniłem na polską infolinię i mi powiedzieli, że i owszem sterownik można zrobić, ale musiałbym chyba znaleźć kogoś , żeby mi go napisał… Już myślałem, żeby gonić ich Urzędem antymonopolowym, ale się dowiedziałem od Dacza, że:
“The C3200n is a GDI printer and there is unfortunately no simple solution to get this working. Oki do have a GDI driver which works under Linux which comes with their Vendor specific version of ESP print pro (Cups). However this is licensed from Easy Software and is therefore not free. I don’t know how much a license cost or if indeed an individual license can be bought from Oki. Try contacting support@okidata.com”
Napisałem wobec tego im maila:
“Welcome. I’m from Poland. I changed my filesytem to linux, and after that I heard that my printer – OKI c3200 is no working on it. I talked with Poland OKI support and they said that’s no way to get driver under linux to this printer. But I try to find the resolution of my problem [not small, useless printer…] and I found that you have a GDI driver which works under Linux. And is from Vendor specific version of ESP print pro (Cups). Why in Poland they did’t told me that? Could I can get this driver from You?”
„Unfortunately, we do not have any GDI printer Drivers for LINUX. If you purchase an higher end model that has PS and PCL emulations then you can use the ESP Print Pro. I am sorry but this printer will not work in LINUX at all.
If we can do anything else for you in the future, please don’t hesitate to
Also, you may be interested to know that Oki Data has now launched
my.okidata.com, which allows you to access Personalized Solutions
information for all your Oki Data Products.
Your Personal Solutions Specialist
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